糖質制限中に朝ごはんは必要? 適量やおすすめの食材・注意点などを詳しく解説

Is breakfast necessary during sugar restriction? A detailed explanation of the appropriate amount, recommended foods, and precautions.

Is breakfast necessary during sugar restriction? A detailed explanation of the appropriate amount, recommended foods, and precautions.

 Table of Contents

Check the basics of breakfast during carbohydrate restriction
What is the right amount of breakfast during carbohydrate restriction?
How to identify the right breakfast foods for restricting carbohydrates
Recommended foods for breakfast during sugar restriction
Points to keep in mind when having breakfast while restricting carbohydrates
Recommended staple foods for breakfast during sugar restriction


 Some people may not eat breakfast and just have a cup of coffee while restricting carbohydrates. Since breakfast is an important meal that affects how the body functions throughout the day, those practicing sugar restriction need to think carefully about the quality of their breakfast.
This article explains why breakfast is necessary during carbohydrate restriction and what foods are suitable for carbohydrate restriction. Please use it as a reference when considering breakfast during sugar restriction.

Check the basics of breakfast while restricting carbohydrates.
Is it acceptable to eat breakfast while restricting carbohydrates? First, we will explain in detail the definition of carbohydrate restriction and the importance of breakfast during carbohydrate restriction.

What is carbohydrate restriction anyway?
Carbohydrate restriction refers to a dietary approach that increases protein and fat intake instead of decreasing carbohydrate intake. The guideline is to reduce the percentage of carbohydrates to 50% or less of the energy intake from food.
Reduced carbohydrate intake can reduce blood glucose spikes and can also promote the burning of fat stored in the body. Therefore, carbohydrate restriction is recommended for people who need to control blood glucose levels and want to lose weight through diet.

Why breakfast is necessary during carbohydrate restriction

Even while restricting carbohydrates, you need to eat a good breakfast. This is because breakfast helps to wake up the newly awakened body. Consuming a low-carbohydrate breakfast that contains a moderate amount of carbohydrates increases the metabolic rate through food digestion and absorption, thereby increasing efficiency during daytime activities.On the other hand, skipping breakfast often leads to a prolonged state of hunger, which in turn leads to increased snacking and overeating at lunch. Breakfast plays an important role in the normal functioning of the body, so be sure to eat it even during carbohydrate restriction.


・What is the right amount of breakfast during carbohydrate restriction?

Some people may not know how much carbohydrate to consume as a breakfast while restricting carbohydrates. In this chapter, we will introduce the guidelines for carbohydrate intake at breakfast during carbohydrate restriction, as well as recommended breakfast menus during carbohydrate restriction.

Approximate carbohydrate intake

Breakfast during carbohydrate restriction must be considered low carbohydrate. However, first-time carbohydrate restricters should aim for a carbohydrate intake of 20 to 40 g, as strict carbohydrate restriction may be counterproductive.
When carbohydrate intake is reduced, the amount of energy available from food is also reduced. Be aware of the energy intake needed to start the day with an active protein and fat intake.


Sample menu for breakfast during carbohydrate restriction


Here are some examples of menus recommended for breakfast during carbohydrate restriction.

・piece of low-sugar bread (5 g sugar content)
・boiled egg (1g sugar)
・Half an avocado (2g)

In the case of the above menu, the total carbohydrate intake is reduced to 8g. Next, let's review examples of NG menus for breakfast during carbohydrate restriction.

・One rice ball with white rice (37 g of sugar)
・One serving of fruit yogurt (20g)

At first glance, this is a simple breakfast consisting of only a rice ball and yogurt with fruit, but the total carbohydrate intake is 57g. Recommended breakfast foods are also discussed later in the article. 

. How to identify the right breakfast for carbohydrate restriction.

When purchasing breakfast foods during sugar restriction at convenience stores or supermarkets, it is important to check the sugar content and type of sweetener listed on the product package. Here we explain the key points for selecting the right product for breakfast during sugar restriction.When using commercial products from convenience stores or supermarkets for breakfast, check the sugar content listed on the product label. Sugar content is the amount of carbohydrates minus dietary fiber.
Products that contain sugar or starch as ingredients, such as dressings and instant soups, may have high sugar content. When choosing foods for commercial products, check the Nutrition Facts label carefully.
If you are restricting sugar content, products with zero sugar content are recommended over products with no sugar content. Zero-sugar products do not contain sugar, starch, or xylitol, making them effective for breakfast during sugar restriction. On the other hand, note that sugar-free products can be labeled as long as their sugar content is lower than that of comparable products at the seller's own risk, and therefore include products that are not suitable for sugar restriction.


Check the product label


When using commercial products from convenience stores or supermarkets for breakfast, check the sugar content listed on the product label. Sugar content is the amount of carbohydrates minus dietary fiber.
Products that contain sugar or starch as ingredients, such as dressings and instant soups, may have high sugar content. When choosing foods for commercial products, check the Nutrition Facts label carefully.
If you are restricting sugar content, products with zero sugar content are recommended over products with no sugar content. Zero-sugar products do not contain sugar, starch, or xylitol, making them effective for breakfast during sugar restriction. On the other hand, note that sugar-free products can be labeled as long as their sugar content is lower than that of comparable products at the seller's own risk, and therefore include products that are not suitable for sugar restriction.


Also check the type of sweetener.


When purchasing foods labeled “sugar free,” it is recommended that you also check the type of sweetener used. In many cases, sugar-off foods use sweeteners for the purpose of reducing sugar content. Some types of sweeteners may increase blood glucose levels more easily than others, so it is important to check carefully what type of sweetener is used.
Sweeteners that are less likely to affect blood sugar levels include erythritol and stevia. Erythritol has zero calories and is considered to have little effect on blood glucose levels when consumed. Stevia is a naturally occurring sweetener that tends not to raise blood sugar levels.

・ Foods recommended for breakfast during carbohydrate restriction

When considering breakfast while restricting carbohydrates, it is helpful to know which foods are low in carbohydrates to make menu decisions easier. In this chapter, we will explain the recommended foods for breakfast while restricting carbohydrates.


Meat and fish low in fat

As mentioned earlier, breakfast during carbohydrate restriction requires an active intake of protein and fat instead of reduced carbohydrates. Meat and fish are ideal breakfast menu items because many foods are rich in vitamin B1, which is necessary for converting carbohydrates into energy.
When including meat and fish in the breakfast menu, it is recommended to choose parts with as little fat as possible, considering the burden on the digestive system. Also, busy mornings often do not allow much time for cooking. If you are unable to take the time to prepare breakfast, try the following shortcut ideas.

・Prepare boiled chicken breast 

・Bake or steam fish fillets

・Stock up on readily available canned tuna and mackerel

Protein-rich natto and tofu

Natto and tofu are also recommended for breakfast during carbohydrate restriction. Soybeans, the raw material for natto and tofu, are called the meat of the field and are rich in protein.
In addition, natto and tofu can be eaten as is without heating, shortening the time needed to prepare breakfast. However, when eating natto, take into account the sugar content in the sauce when deciding on a menu.


Dairy products with low sugar content

Dairy products, which are low in sugar, are also a good choice for breakfast during carbohydrate restriction. Dairy products are high in protein and fat, and are also an efficient source of calcium and vitamins. Dairy products include cheese and milk, and there are many variations of recipes available, so they can easily be included in breakfast.
Some people may also eat yogurt for breakfast every day. There are two types of yogurt: unsweetened and sweetened. Unsweetened yogurt is yogurt that does not contain sweeteners, and sweetened yogurt is yogurt that does contain sweeteners. Yogurt with added sugar or fruit is higher in sugar content, so pay attention to the sugar content when choosing yogurt.


Dietary fiber from vegetables, mushrooms, etc.

Vegetables and mushrooms, which are high in fiber, are also recommended for breakfast during carbohydrate restriction. Vegetables, mushrooms, and seaweeds contain not only dietary fiber but also vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.
Adding vegetables and mushrooms to the menu also increases the volume of the meal and makes it a more satisfying breakfast. Mushrooms and seaweeds have a crunchy texture, and chewing them repeatedly stimulates the satiety center of the brain, which is another advantage to prevent overeating. However, among vegetables, foods such as potatoes and squash are high in carbohydrates and should be avoided during carbohydrate restriction.


soup that warms the body

Soup is also recommended as a breakfast during carbohydrate restriction. Soups and miso soups warm the body from the core and are expected to raise basal metabolism. Using tofu and vegetables as ingredients for soups will allow you to easily consume foods suitable for carbohydrate restriction.
Pot-au-feu and minestrone with plenty of vegetables are recommended as soups to add to breakfast during carbohydrate restriction. Since they are full of ingredients and rich in nutrients, they are easy to eat even if you have no appetite after waking up from sleep. In addition, if you add meat or fish, it will be a satisfying breakfast on its own.

・ The following is a list of points to keep in mind when eating breakfast during carbohydrate restriction.

It is important to be aware of the order in which breakfast is eaten and nutritional balance while restricting carbohydrates. Here are some points to note about breakfast during carbohydrate restriction.

Be aware of the order in which you eat


he key to breakfast during carbohydrate restriction is to be aware of the order in which you eat. First, eat vegetables, mushrooms, and seaweeds, which are rich in dietary fiber. Dietary fiber can be expected to raise blood glucose levels slowly, so it is recommended to eat them first.
If you eat foods high in carbohydrates at breakfast, do not eat them first, as carbohydrates may raise blood glucose levels rapidly. Foods high in carbohydrates include staples such as white rice and bread, potatoes, squash, sugar, and sweeteners.


Strive to eat a well-balanced diet


When restricting carbohydrates, it is easy to become so focused on not consuming carbohydrates anyway that nutritional balance is neglected. However, in order to restrict carbohydrates in a healthy manner, it is also important to be aware of nutritional balance. t
Even while restricting carbohydrates, please do not drastically reduce carbohydrates, and try to eat a nutritionally well-balanced diet. This is because if a person who has just started restricting carbohydrates drastically reduces carbohydrate intake, the brain may experience a lack of energy, which may lead to decreased concentration and thinking ability, and an increased risk of rebound.
A nutritionally balanced breakfast during carbohydrate restriction should include protein such as eggs and yogurt, good fats found in avocados and nuts, and low-sugar vegetables such as spinach and mushrooms.

Focus on quantity and quality of staple foods.

A key point to keep in mind when consuming carbohydrates at breakfast during sugar restriction is to focus on the quantity and quality of staple foods. Typical staple foods include white rice, bread, and noodles. In particular, staple foods such as rice, bread, and noodles contain a large amount of carbohydrates, and if you do not pay attention to the quantity and quality of the staple foods you eat, you increase the risk of failure in limiting carbohydrate quality. To eat a good breakfast while successfully restricting carbohydrates, be particular about the quantity and quality of staple foods.

・Staple foods recommended for breakfast during carbohydrate restriction

If you are concerned about breakfast staples during sugar restriction, we recommend low-sugar and carefully selected ingredients. In this chapter, we will introduce some of the low-sugar products available at NATUVIEW that we recommend as staples for breakfast while restricting carbohydrates!

【Ketopan Plain】

Keto Bread Plain is gluten-free and satisfyingly delicious. It has a small amount of sugar, 1.92 g per slice. Ingredients are made from almond and coconut flours instead of wheat and rice flours. Since no unnecessary additives are used, you can enjoy a healthier taste. The bread is cut into 10 easy-to-eat slices, so there is no need to use a knife to cut it every morning. Nutritional ingredients per loaf of bread are as follows

Energy: 1,242 kcal ● Protein: 44.2 g ● Fat: 105.5 g ● Fiber: 27.0 g ● Sugar: 19.2 g


【Keto bread Sesame cheese】


Keto Bread Sesame Cheese is a low-sugar bread topped with rich cheese and elegantly fragrant sesame seeds; each slice is low in carbohydrates at 1.83g and rich in protein at 4.24g.
Keto Bread Sesame Cheese is made with nutritious ingredients such as domestic eggs, almonds, cream cheese, and chia seeds. Chia seeds are seeds of the Mexican poppy plant, which are rich in fiber, iron, calcium, and other nutrients. When it absorbs water, it expands 10 times, making you feel full. The nutritional composition per serving of bread is as follows

Energy: 1,261 kcal● Protein: 42.4 g● Fat: 108.0 g● Fiber: 33.5 g● Carbohydrate: 18.3 g 


・ Conclusion.
It is important to eat breakfast while restricting carbohydrates. Skipping breakfast can lead to continued hunger and blood glucose levels, which can be counterproductive even when restricting carbohydrates. Eat a well-nourished breakfast while keeping sugar content low.
Breakfast during carbohydrate restriction should be a nutritionally balanced menu that includes protein, fat, and dietary fiber. Since staple foods are high in carbohydrates, it is recommended to replace them with low-sugar foods.
NATUVIEW has a lineup of products recommended for breakfast and snacks during sugar restriction. We hope you will give them a try, as we are particular about their delicious taste.


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